Old shuttle buses find a new home with the IFSI
Illinois Fire Service Institute uses three shuttle buses donated by Carle for a disaster-response drill.
Illinois Fire Service Institute uses three shuttle buses donated by Carle for a disaster-response drill.
Jean Huddleston of Champaign got hooked on making bears when her mom had one made for her after her dad died in 2005.
“I think it’s great to use the strengths of each of the organizations to come together to do something kind and helpful.”
Carle Auxiliary Resale Boutique benefits patients in multiple ways with social workers making connections every single day to help.
Generous donations from Carle and Health Alliance employees and physicians, enable Mobile Health Clinic to see clients starting in July.
Survivor shares her tips for beating cancer: Gratitude, support and cozy chairs make battling cancer easier.
Parking lot becomes world-class cancer center where the way people are treated is just as important as the treatment.
Once-worried Altamont family pays it forward by raising money for services that support the families of the region's in-need babies.
Diabetes seminar provides essential tools and tips to manage both forms of the condition that affects so many people today.
Our mission is to serve people through high-quality care, medical research and education. Based in Urbana, IL, Carle Health is a vertically integrated health system with more than 11,000 employees.
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The Public Relations department at Carle operates during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CST. To contact a staff member, please call the media information line at (217) 902-5201 or email publicrelations@carle.com.