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Multidisciplinary Clinic and Tumor Board

  • You can see a breast surgeon, breast cancer navigator and radiation oncologist on the same day at Carle Cancer Institute Normal.
  • Your doctor will get tumor board recommendations for treatment within a week of your appointment.
  • You’ll have access to a genetic counselor and support services team.
  • Tumor board recommendations follow the current National Comprehensive Cancer Network standards.

The Carle 5-Step Breast Cancer Pathway

If you’ve been recently diagnosed with breast cancer (a core needle breast biopsy positive for breast cancer), you’ll go through five steps to ensure you’re getting the proper and most effective treatment:

  1. You’ll have a single day of appointments with a breast surgeon and radiation oncologist.
  2. On your appointment day, you’ll meet with the breast navigator and then the other two providers.
  3. That same week, your case will be presented to a multidisciplinary breast tumor board.
  4. The tumor board recommendation will be sent to your referring primary care provider the same week.
  5. You’ll start surgery, chemotherapy or additional work-up/genetic counseling before surgery, depending on the recommendation you receive.

Call us at (309) 604-9600 to learn more.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions.